Brenda’s writing
Brenda is the author of two e-books and a short series, “In The Grip,” about her family’s experience during her son’s fentanyl overdose.
Seen In
Heard on
Seen In • Heard on • Musings •
Tilt Parenting Podcast
I’ve long admired Debbie Reber and her work at Tilt Parenting, so I was thrilled to join her for a conversation about substance use and differently-wired kids.
Speaking of Teens Podcast
It was a pleasure to join Ann Coleman for an episode of her informative podcast, Speaking of Teens. Ann and I have much in common and it was an honor to provide insights around substance use in teens and talk about ways parents can connect with their kids over this difficult topic.
Champagne Problems Podcast
It was an honor to join hosts Patrick Balsley and Robbie Shaw on their hugely popular podcast, Champagne Problems. We talked about the tools and strategies parents can use when their child is misusing substances. Such a great conversation with incredible hosts.
The Shameless Mom Podcast; how to talk to your kids about fentanyl
With the fentanyl crisis continuing to rage across the U.S. I went on a speaking blitz to raise awareness with parents who often think this isn’t an issue they need to be worried about. Listen in to hear how parents can talk about fentanyl without freaking out themselves, or their kids
The Joyful Courage podcast; how to be with teen substance use
I was fortunate to join Casey O’Roraty for a candid and timely conversation about parenting teens and young adults who use substances, and how to find new ways of thinking about addiction.
Archway Academy podcast “A Way Through”
I enjoyed joining Archway Academy on their podcast, A Way Through to talk about how parents can take back pieces of their lives when their son or daughter is dealing with mental health and substance use issues.
what will it take?
Parents often wait for “something” to happen before they seek help or treatment for their child. This article can help when you’re feeling decision paralysis yet know you need to take action.
Pirate Radio podcast with Wes & Zac, Eternal Strength Therapeutic Youth Center
A wide-ranging conversation with two of my favorite guys in the field of adolescent treatment and holistic healing.
The Beyond Addiction podcast with Dr. Josh King
Listen in to hear Dr. Josh King from CMC:FFC talk with Brenda Zane about her experience parenting a teen through drug use and find out what she recommends parents do first if they suspect their son or daughter is misusing drugs or alcohol.
Hello Someday Podcast
I loved joining friend and fellow podcaster Casie Davidson for an episode of her popular show, Hello Someday. We talked about healthy coping mechanisms for stress and how moms can model them for their kids - sans alchol.
Effective Family Leadership Summit
In this talk during the Effective Family Leadership Summit, hosted by Satya Family Coaching, I share the struggles parents face when they have a child who isn't responding to local resources for mental health and substance use, and why a parent’s self-care and community are critical pieces of a treatment plan for teens and young adults.
statistics and a heavy heart
No community is safe from the deadly force of fentanyl, including ours.
hope and healing; how my son’s substance use became trauma within me, The Work IN podcast
When parents experience ongoing stress, anxiety and fear because of their child’s substance use it causes real trauma in the body. I shared my personal experience of declining health and physical pain and trauma with Ericka Thomas who is the host of The Work IN podcast and who is certified in Trauma Release Exercise.
how a crisis became a powerful catalyst for positive action in my family's life: Coast to Coast podcast
I had the pleasure of speaking with my own brother-in-law for his podcast, Coast-to-Coast, and shared how our family’s tragedy turned into a new career and positive force in our lives.
addiction, recovery and community: Holding Ground podcast
In this podcast interview with Laura Richer, LCSW, of Anchor Light Therapy Collective I share the ups and downs of parenting a teen through substance use, discuss some of the biggest challenges parents face when they have a child misusing drugs or alcohol, the impact COVID has had on families seeking help, what employers should be thinking about when it comes to supporting employees, and why a community is critical to the entire process.
two ways to lighten the load you’re carrying now
There’s a time for you to take care of everything and everyone else, but right now, prioritizing yourself and your self-care is more important than upholding unrealistic expectations. You can still conquer the world; it just might not be right now.
what would you do to save your teen? Stories From The Field podcast interview
In this podcast interview with Will White of Summit Achievement, I share our journey into the world of wilderness therapy that began when my son was living a high-risk lifestyle and using drugs - and we were unable to find a local resource that could provide the help he needed. Hear how we engaged with an educational consultant who taught us what wilderness therapy is, how and why we used a transport company to get my son to Elements Wilderness Therapy in Utah, and how the experience changed all our lives.
morning affirmations for parents of kids in addiction
Hosted on the world’s #1 app for sleep, anxiety and stress, Brenda’s guided meditations are a respite for parents who are impacted by their child’s substance use. This positive series of affirmations will help parents focus on positive actions they can take to help create change in their lives and the lives of their children.
taking care of the mothership: the power of self-care
Taking care of yourself when your son or daughter is misusing substances is not selfish, it’s critical. Watch this video where I speak with Mike Ferguson, Exec. Director for Sky’s The Limit Fund to learn more about the role a mom’s health and wellness plays in her child’s journey.
The 3 Most Commonly Abused Drugs and Substances by Teens, and One To Watch For
With all the substances parents read about online and see on TV shows, it might be surprising to find out the ones most commonly abused by young people are the ones most commonly used by adults and are easily accessible.