The Final Fix: an unflinching documentary investigating a radical, 49-year old technology that could change everything we know about addiction and recovery, with Director Norman Stone

Host: Brenda Zane,

The Stream Community: a modern, digital respite (not on Facebook) for moms of kids experimenting with or addicted to drugs or alcohol, in treatment, or early recovery

Free ebook: “HINDSIGHT: 3 Things I Wish I Knew When My Son Was Misusing Drugs, by Brenda Zane. Download here

Guest: Norman Stone, Director, The Final Fix

Show Resources:

Get notified when the documentary is available in the U.S.

The Final Fix trailer (YouTube)

About the N.E.T. device


Brenda Zane, Norman Stone

Show Chapters:

1:49 Episode overview

7:03 Introduction to Norman Stone, Scotland's drug problem

9:42 The 3 P's to understand about addiction and treatment

10:26 Norman's background and history with N.E.T., meeting Meg Paterson and Eric Clapton

13:45 N.E.T's claim and how it works

15:54 Why is there such reluctance to bring N.E.T. to the public?

18:21 Norman's battle cry for N.E.T.

21:05 How Meg Paterson discovered the N.E.T. solution for addiction treatment

25:12 The cost of traditional treatment vs. N.E.T.

27:20 Filming The Final Fix in Kentucky, U.S.A.

31:33 Why isn't the documentary available in the United States?

35:54 Following up on the documentary participants, how are they doing?

38:38 My personal thoughts on N.E.T. - what does it do for people?

44:12 The roadblocks to getting N.E.T. approved for addiction treatment

46:23 Where can you find N.E.T. being used?

48:19 Make a noise - the rallying cry for N.E.T.

50:44 Norman's word of hope for parents

Thank you so much for listening. You might want to download a free ebook I wrote called Hindsight: Three Things I Wish I Knew When My Son Was Misusing Drugs. It's full of the information I wish I would have known when my son was struggling with his addiction. You can grab that at Thanks again for listening and I will meet you right back here next week.

If you’d like to receive my weekly email please go to and then watch your inbox each Wednesday for a special note from me.


recovering from COVID, podcast changes, healing power of community, documentaries and books; the casserole episode, with Brenda Zane


things to do while your child is in treatment, for the first or 20th time, with Brenda Zane