what are CRAFT and harm reduction, and can they work with teens and young adults who are misusing drugs or alcohol, with Dee-Dee Stout

Host: Brenda Zane, brenda@brendazane.com
Instagram: @the.stream.community

The Stream Community: private (not on Facebook) support community for moms of kids experimenting with or addicted to drugs or alcohol

Free ebook: “HINDSIGHT: 3 Things I Wish I Knew When My Son Was Misusing Drugs, by Brenda Zane. Download here

Guest: Dee-Dee Stout, professor, coach, speaker, author of “Coming to Harm Reduction Kicking & Screaming:  Looking for Harm Reduction in a 12-Step World,” 

Show Resources:

Dee-Dee’s website and resources

Book: Coming to Harm Reduction Kicking & Screaming:  Looking for Harm Reduction in a 12-Step World

Buzzed, The Straight Facts About the Most Used and Abused Drugs from Alcohol to Ecstasy

Safety First, A Reality-Based Approach to Teens and Drugs (Drug Policy Alliance)

Center for Motivation and Change website and resources

Beyond Addiction and 20-Minute Parent Guide

Parent harm reduction support group, Saturdays at 4pm Pacific time

Show Notes:


Brenda Zane, Dee-Dee Stout

Episode topics: parenting, harm reduction, CRAFT, motivational interviewing, children, family, addiction, recovery, substance use

2:29 background on Dee-Dee, her work and her book

11:00 Dee-Dee’s family trauma, challenges with existing therapeutic options

15:27 Dee-Dee explains CRAFT and harm reduction in Portugal

20:08 co-addiction/co-dependent, family systems and an STI analogy

23:11 stages of change, getting un-stuck, diet Coke and the “f-its” and the trump card parents have to be careful with

30:53 how motivational interviewing and CRAFT are related, OARS

36:07 we do a role-play of a worried mom and kid using street Xanax (Xanax + fentanyl)

41:50 CRAFT in the real world, harm reduction - what it is, Dee-Dee’s thoughts about teens and lifelong abstinence

48:08 Abstinence, relapse and the disease theory, harm reduction in a non-substance use scenario

52:01 asking kids why they’re using substances, partnering with kids as a method of harm reduction, safe vs safer

1:00 normalizing difficult conversations with our kids, fentanyl = the perfect door opener to talk with your kids about being safer

1:08 what kids are most afraid of and how to eliminate it from the conversations you have, the role of residential treatment, acknowledging the time and energy it takes to parent through this

1:11 Dee-Dee’s billboard choice and the role COVID has played this year with families who have a child struggling


Thank you so much for listening. If you’d like to receive my weekly email please go to www.brendazane.com/email and get on the list.


the 5 stages of why and how your child decides to change and what to do at each stage, with Brenda Zane


when life feels unfair: staying away from victim mentality when your child is misusing drugs or alcohol, with Brenda Zane