New Group Beginning July 2023

As you navigate life with a child struggling with mental health and substance use challenges, you suddenly realize there’s a lot to learn.

If you’re curious to know more about addiction and substance use and want to understand how motivation, science, and compassion can help your family - but don’t know where to start - join us for this one-of-a-kind study group.

You’ll be expertly guided through the phenomenal book, Beyond Addiction; How Science and Kindness Help People Change. This book is relied upon by thousands of families who are desperate to help someone they love make positive changes in their unhealthy use of drugs or alcohol.

And it can feel overwhelming to try and learn it while you’re in crisis or while life is highly unpredictable.

Join us for six sessions where you’ll walk through each chapter with a battle-tested, CRAFT-certified coach.


When? Six 1-hour sessions on Mondays from 5-6pm Pacific time/8-9 Eastern

Where? Anywhere you can access the internet and Zoom

How much? $125 per registration (includes all 6 sessions and video recordings)

Material outline:

Session 1: April 10, 2023

  • Introduction to Beyond Addiction and Each Other/Terminology

  • Part One: Helping with Understanding - Behaviors Make Sense

Session 2: April 17, 2023

  • Part One: Helping with Understanding - One Size Does Not Fit All & Ambivalence is Normal

Session 3: April 24, 2023

  • Part Two: Helping with Awareness - Self-Awareness & Willingness Is a Different Way to Relate to Pain

Session 4: May 1, 2023

  • Part Two: Helping with Awareness - Self-Compassion Goes the Distance

  • Part Three: Helping with Action - Good Communication turns Red Lights Green

Session 5: May 8, 2023

  • Part Three: Helping with Action - Inviting Your Child to Get Help

Session 6: May 15, 2023

  • Part Three: Helping with Action - Your Behavior Shapes Theirs

there’s just so much to learn

Frequently Asked Questions:

What do I need before the study group starts?

Just the book, Beyond Addiction, and we also recommend the new Workbook for Families and Friends.

Is this for parents of teens, young adults or adult children?

Yes to all of the above. Beyond Addiction will be helpful no matter the age of your child who struggles.

Do I have to be a parent to get benefit from this?

No, anyone who loves someone with an unhealthy relationship with substances will benefit from the study group.

Is the study group for moms, dads, or both?

The group is for all parents and caregivers, regardless of gender or sexual identity.

What if I miss a session?

No worries! If you miss a session, you’ll be able to watch the video replay anytime it works for your schedule.

What if I can’t afford the group right now?

We have a limited number of sliding-scale seats available, so please send us an email here and let us know what you can afford.

Meet your guide to Beyond Addiction: Dina Cannizzaro

About Dina: My name is Dina Cannizzaro. I’m a divorced mother of three adult children, ages 35, 29, and 26. My middle son, Parker, is in recovery from a harrowing 9 years of using drugs. He’s been in active recovery from IV heroin use for almost six years. I was a high school teacher, counselor, admissions director, and Vice Principal for 36 years. I recently retired to pursue my passion for helping parents and "getting the word out" about drug addiction being an equal opportunity destroyer that can happen to "good" families too. I hope to help parents create boundaries they can live with while maintaining a healthy and loving dialogue with their children - no matter their age or drug of choice. I believe that each story is different and, therefore, may require a unique approach. I also believe each parent handles their child's Substance Use Disorder in their own way and in their own time. Most of us need tools we learn along the way that can help us live through the chapters of life with a child who suffers from SUD. If we can help each other and share learned knowledge, we will all be better for it. I can't wait to share with you and learn from you.