Hi, I’m Brenda.

My life took an unexpected turn when my 15-year-old son was pulled into the frightening and unpredictable world of addiction.

My comfortable suburban life shattered piece by piece as we battled fear, anxiety, and desperation. We nearly lost everything in an ICU room, but miraculously, we didn't.

Today, I have the precious gift of my son's recovery. Our mundane conversations about college and dentist appointments are now priceless treasures.

I'm here to share the hard-won lessons from our journey, blending personal experience with insights from the professionals who saved us. Through Hopestream Community, I offer support to parents facing similar struggles.

It's not always perfect, but it's always real. Join me in turning pain into purpose and finding hope in the darkest moments.

In the end, I was given a gift too precious to let sit on a shelf in the closet. My gift is so rare and coveted by other parents I was compelled to finally unwrap it and hold it up for the world to see - I have my son. 

the short bio

Brenda Zane is the co-founder of Hopestream Community, the nonprofit destination for support, resources and educational services for parents of adolescents and young adults struggling with substance use and mental health challenges. She is a CRAFT-trained Parent Coach, a Mayo Clinic Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and previously served as a Board Member for Sky’s The Limit Fund.

Brenda also writes for various publications and is available to speak on topics such as parenting kids in addiction, purpose and transformation, trauma recovery, self-care and coping strategies, and the impact of the opioid crisis. Brenda lives in Seattle, Washington, USA.

Mayo Clinic, Certified Health & Wellness Coach

Azusa Pacific University, B.S. Marketing & Business Administration

CMC:FFC, Level-1 Certified, Invitation To Change Approach

Robert Meyers, Ph.D., CRAFT Professional Training

Partnership To End Addiction, Certified Parent Coach & Facilitator

Stanford (via Coursera), Certificate, Introduction to Food & Health

HarvardX, Certificate, The Opioid Crisis in America

University of Adelaide, Certificate, Addiction, A Framework for Successful Treatment